Amateur Radio
RF Environment Evaluation Exemption Calculator
Optional Information
Enter Frequency in MHz
Calculated Minimum Distance Required (Feet)
Distance to Antenna (Feet) Note: Minimun Distance 7.87"
Calculated - Does Exemption Apply?
Select Coax Type
Enter Length of Coax in feet
Enter Transmitter Power in Watts
Select dBi or dBd and Enter Antenna Gain
Calculated - Effective Radiated Power (ERP) (Watts)
Calculated - Maximum Allowed ERP (Watts)
The Amateur Radio RF Environment Exemption
Calculator determines if the FCC
Exemption to Routine Evaluation applies. It also
calculates the maximum allowed
Effective Radiated Power (ERP). Enter the frequency
and distance to the antenna.
If the calculator indicates that the exemption
applies, select the type of coaxial cable,
enter the cable length, transmitter power and
antenna gain. The calculator displays
the station's ERP and the maxium allowed
power. Adjust transmitter power
may be adjusted to keep the station's ERP below the
maximum allowed.
Note: Stations, not qualifying for an exemption,
may still meet the FCC Maximum Permissible
Exposure (MPE) limits by perfoming a RF
environmental analysis. A suggested
with more information is: www.arrl.org/rf-exposure.
Calculation formulas:
The exemption applies if, R, the distance between the antenna and human
exposure (meters) is greater than the wavelength/2π. The maximum allowed
ERP is determined by the adjacent formulas, where "f" is frequency
Frequency (MHz)
Maximum ERP (Watts)
0.3 - 1.34
1,920 * R^2
1.34 - 30
3,450 * R^2 / f^2
30 - 300
3.83 / R^2
300 - 1,500
0.0128 * R^2 *f
1,500 - 100,000
19.2 * R^2
This calculator is being made available in support
of Amateur Radio activities.
The author assumes no
liability or responsibilities for errors or omissions.
Rev 3.7
Authored by KA6UGS. For
questions email: ka6ugs@arrl.net